The following guidelines have been developed to provide general prescribing advice to prescribers across Derbyshire.
Electronic Repeat Dispensing (eRD) Position Paper
Repeat prescription code of practice
Working Together to Minimise the Impact of Medicines Shortages
Medicines reconciliation after hospital discharge in primary care
Recording medicines prescribed by other healthcare providers
Multi-compartment aids (MCAs) - Derbyshire ICBs position statement
GP Request Form for Weekly (7 Day) Prescriptions - 7 day prescription requests to GPs
Request for authorisation to continue managed repeats
The supply of items for administration by DCHS nursing staff - DCHS NHS Trust and Derbyshire ICBs position statement
Lost or stolen prescriptions - NHSE (Midlands)
SPS: Usage of Medicines in Compliance Aids
Commercial Sponsorship and Joint Working with the Pharmaceutical Industry Policy - currently under review
Agreement for collaborative working with non-NHS organisations