Traffic Light Classification guidance


Recent Traffic Light Classifications are determined by the Derbyshire Joint Area Prescribing Committee (JAPC). It's purpose is to manage the entry of new medicines and some prescribable medical devices into local formulary.

JAPC Traffic light classification criteria

How are drugs classified under the Derbyshire Traffic Light system? Why are some medicines not classified? Find out why not all medicines are classified in the Traffic Light system.

Do Not Prescribe (DNP) Drugs Guideline

The Do Not Prescribe (DNP) Drugs Policy is a brief to provide GPs with an overview of how to deal with requests to prescribe a DNP drug and dealing with patients already on treatment.

Out of area TLC prescribing requests

The Derbyshire JAPC recognises formulary differences between Derbyshire ICBs and other commissioning organisations. To guide prescribers an 'out of area' guidance has been produced to help deal with these types of requests.


Medicines not included in the traffic lights

It is not possible to classify all medicines listed in the BNF within the Derbyshire JAPC traffic light formulary. If a medicine is not listed on the traffic light system then advice should be sought from the Medicines Management Team and prescribing of these will be at the discretion of individual NHS Trusts and/or GP.


The traffic light database contains new drug launches and new formulations which Derbyshire JAPC does not consider appropriate for inclusion into the local formulary. These are medicines awaiting national or local evidence submissions.


Derby and Derbyshire ICB

Derby and Derbyshire ICB

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